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I Miss You Antarctica \ Images & Influences 

1. images

2. score sketches

3. text & process 

1. Images. Moira Finucane in Neko Harbour by Scott Portelli. Antarctica by Moira Finucane 

Score sketches

'Oh The Whales'. created & recorded live Whaler's Bay Antarctica inside these whale oil drums 

written & performed by Finucane. score Ben Keene

Oh The Wales By Moira Finucane & Ben KeeRachel Lewindon
00:00 / 06:23
I miss you AntarcticaNeko Harbour - Lewindon & Finucane
00:00 / 06:38

'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings various. score by Adam Hunt 

'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings variousscore by Adam Hunt
00:00 / 06:49

3. some text and artistic process 

Finucane & Smith artists acknowledge that we live and work on the lands of First Peoples, who have been here always, and whose land it will always be. Our Directors are honoured to live and work on the lands of the Wurundjeri & Bunurong people of the Kulin nation. Our artists are honoured to live and work on the lands of many First Peoples around the world, including their own. We pay our respect to Elders past and present.

© 2018 Finucane & Smith

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