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I Miss You Antarctica \ Images & Influences
1. images
2. score sketches
3. text & process
1. Images. Moira Finucane in Neko Harbour by Scott Portelli. Antarctica by Moira Finucane

Score sketches
'Oh The Whales'. created & recorded live Whaler's Bay Antarctica inside these whale oil drums
written & performed by Finucane. score Ben Keene

Oh The Wales By Moira Finucane & Ben KeeRachel Lewindon
00:00 / 06:23

I miss you AntarcticaNeko Harbour - Lewindon & Finucane
00:00 / 06:38
'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings various. score by Adam Hunt

'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings variousscore by Adam Hunt
00:00 / 06:49
3. some text and artistic process
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