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Images, Inspirations, Scores & Sketches & What Led Me Here 

1. Images. Moira Finucane in Neko Harbour by Scott Portelli. Antarctica by Moira Finucane 

'Oh The Whales'. created & recorded live Whaler's Bay Antarctica inside these whale oil drums 

written & performed by Finucane. score Ben Keene

Oh The Wales By Moira Finucane & Ben KeeRachel Lewindon
00:00 / 06:23

'Neko Harbour' field recording Neko Harbour + piano score Rachel Lewindon. listen & watch 

I miss you AntarcticaNeko Harbour - Lewindon & Finucane
00:00 / 06:38

'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings various. score by Adam Hunt 

'Don't Wake The Ice' field recordings variousscore by Adam Hunt
00:00 / 06:49

3. process and inspiration 'As a Dog Returns to Its Own Vomit

4. letters of support from expedition leaders

 What Led Me Here 

1. short clips (chapter I, chapter II, solo iteration)

2. rapture backgrounder

3. detailed information - images, reviews, text 

Rapture Chapter I. Commissioned by Mesto Zensk Slovenia & Climakaze Miami  2017 (2mins)

winner Climakaze Award for outstanding art in climate justice

The Rapture Chapter II \ (2 mins)

Rapture Chapter II. Berlin, Prague, Denmark, China. 2019 (2 mins) 

Backgrounder. 2pp

3. Detailed Information. Reviews, images, text. 

past work \ Moira Finucane Australian Exhibit Prague Quadrennial 2019

1. program 

2. images

3. report

4. clip

Prague Quadrennial Australian Exhibit \ program 

Report. Australia at PQ19 (follow link)

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